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Caravans & camping

Boughton Lodge also offers caravan and camping facilities for its members and guests. We have 65 caravan pitches available for members to purchase annually as part of their membership, and 3 "overnight camping" pitches available for members and guests to hire out on a nightly basis.


All of our caravan pitches offer electricity at a cost, and we have water points and toilet blocks located around the site. Our overnight camping pitches don't offer electricity however they are situated right next to the clubhouse.


Electricity cards can be purchased in person from the following people:​

  • Dave Newman

  • Graham Murphy

  • Sarah Seymour

  • John Williams

  • Sally Temple

  • Andy Dyne

Caravan Site Rules

Members are required to maintain their caravan plot, keeping grass cut and the plot generally tidy. Bins are available across the site for household rubbish and recycling, as well as facilities for the disposal of waste for chemical toilets.
Campers using the overnight camping pitches are expected to leave plots free of any rubbish and debris.


The club are subject to licences, regulations and bye laws in respect to our caravan and camping plots and members are required to abide by rules and regulations if using the caravan and camping facilities. Members should ensure they understand these as per the relevant section of the Club Rules and Constitution.



  • A 25ft max caravan and camper van body length, this also applies to overnight camping as well

  • Caravan, awning and any decking must be a minimum of 6m from adjacent plots

  • Any changes to the layout of plots MUST receive committee approval prior to any changes taking place

  • Only one car and up to 2 motorcycles may be parked adjacent to caravans/camper vans/tents

  • The use of generators is strictly prohibited

  • Plot holders are not allowed to sub-let plots

  • Concrete bases are not permitted

  • Toilets and showers must be left clean and tidy

  • No washing lines are to be used

  • No tents are allowed next to caravans, a separate overnight camping plot must be used

  • All caravans must be insured and a copy of the insurance provided to the club

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